“The club or BBGCC” shall mean Bukit Banang Golf & Country Club.
“Golf Rules” shall mean BBGCC Golf Rules.
“The Committee” shall mean such persons so authorized by the management including the competitions, rules and handicapping sub-committee and such other sub-committees formed under the authority of the management.
“Public Holidays” shall mean National and State Holidays which are declared as Public Holidays.
“RAGC” shall mean the Royal And Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew Scotland.
“USGA” shall mean the United States Golf Association.
“Club Handicap” shall mean Handicap calculated in accordance with the USGA System and certified by the manager or such other persons so authorized by the management.
“Permission” shall mean permission by the manager unless specifically stated.
“Manager” means the manager of the club or such person to whom he has delegated his authority.
The rules of golf as approved by the RAGC and the handicapping system of the USGA together with these golf rules shall apply to all form of play of golf and to all club competitions unless otherwise expressly laid down by the management in a particular match or competition.
Members – an official golf identification tag shall be display by all members whilst utilizing the club’s golf courses. The tag should be displayed in a prominent part of the golf bag and shall be available for inspection upon request by any member of the management.
Ability to play
- Valid or recognized club handicap – players without a valid handicap or whose handicap is above 24(MEN) and 36(WOMEN) shall not be entitled to play on the course on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Those without valid handicap may not participate in any competitions unless otherwise expressly permitted by the management.
- Any person without an official handicap must obtain approval from the manager or Golf Pro before they are allowed onto the golf course.
- Visitors – Each member will be permitted to invite up to two guests on Weekends and Public Holidays. On weekdays members may invite three guests or may introduce up to four people to play golf by letter if they are unable to accompany their guests. Green fees must be paid before going onto the golf course and no excuse will be entertained for not complying with this regulation. All guests must be in possession of a current and valid handicap. Any member who introduce a visitor shall be liable to the club for all monies due to the club and shall also be responsible for the proper conduct and due observance of the rules and bye-laws of the club by such visitor.
Member’s club playing handicap
- Member – any member who does not have a handicap from another club shall be entitled to apply for a handicap test upon returning at least 10 18-Holes score cards.
- Members of more than one club – Members who are also members of another club shall be entitled to apply for a handicap provided that they submit properly certified records from such other club or their last 10 18-Holes scores together with the course rating applicable. Such certified scores shall become part of the member’s scoring record at BBGCC. If such records are not available, the member concerned shall be required to submit certification of his or her latest handicap and course rating applicable from such other club. Such member shall then be entitled to apply for a handicap upon returning at lease 10 18-Holes score cards.
- Handicap Test – applications shall be made in the handicap test book kept by the sports coordinator. Handicap tests will be carried out by an authorized tester as and when convenient.
- Assignment of Handicaps – Official club handicaps shall be assigned to successful members on completion of their handicap test. Such assigned club handicaps shall remain in force unless and until they are revised based on subsequent scores returned.
- Club Competition – Members with and official home or club handicap shall be entitled to participate in any club competition or match. All competitions and matches shall be governed by the rules of golf mentioned in Bye-Laws (1).
- Members belonging to more than one club – Members belonging to two or more clubs and having different handicaps at different clubs shall use the lowest handicap when competing in any club competition or match.
- Score cards – Members shall submit all 18-Holes score cards duly checked and signed by the player and marker. Failure to do so shall be subject to such action by the management as it thinks fit and may result in withdrawal or suspension of such member’s club handicap. 18-Hole scores played at other then BBGCC courses shall be submitted together the course rating applicable.
Course Control
- Commencement of play – No play shall commence:
- From any teeing ground other than the 1st Tee and 10th Tee on both courses.
- Prior to 7.30am except permitted by the management.
- Prior to the playre’s full particulars and handicap being first registered with the starter
- Unless a player is satisfied that no personal effects or valuables is kept in his/her golf bag.
N.B. Any infringement of the above may be subject to disciplinary action by the disciplinary committee to be appointed by the board of directors.
- Official starting time – Play on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays shall be regulated by the official starting times mentioned below (except approved matches or competitions)
Morning – 7.30am to 9.30am
Afternoon – 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Evening – 4.30pm Onwards
- Advanced booked times – Advanced booking of official starting times shall be opened to all players at least 8 days beforehand (unless otherwise determined by the management) for both the courses on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Provided always that such booked times shall be forfeited in the event that any group of players fail to be punctual off the tee for any reason except as permitted due to bad weather. Play at any other time shall be on a First-Come-First-Serve basis subject to players’ prior registration of their particulars with the starter.
- Bad weather – Play on the course shall be regulated by the use siren signals to signify a follows:
- A series of 20 second blasts – Discontinue play.
- A series of 5 second blasts – Resume play.
- One continuous blast of about 1 minute – Competition Abandoned
- Unique delay / Slow play
- Players searching for a ball should signal the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not be easily found and should not search for 5 minutes before doing so. They should also not continue play until the players following them have passed and are out of range.
- The same rule applies if there is unique delay:
A group is one clear hole behind the group ahead and is holding up the group playing behind. The group behind should then be allowed to pass and play through in the same manner as (a) above.
- Competition officials / Marshall and the course stewards on duty shall go round the course periodically to check on unique delay and slow play players are expected to assist and cooperate with the officials and course stewards in their attempt to expedite the play of any group of players.
N.B. Contravention of this rule may result in suspension from the use of the course for such period of times as the disciplinary committee deems fit.
Priority and Standing
- On course – 3-Ball and 4-Ball matches shall have equal standing.
- A single player ahs no standing on any course
- Form of play at the course shall be ‘open’ and the rules of golf as approved by the RAGC and USGA – Section 1 on the etiquette under ‘Priority On The Course’ shall apply.
Preservation of the course etc.
- No player shall cause any damage to any part of the putting greens by whatever means, such as moving in such a manner as to drag his feet, or by throwing any clubs thereon, or jumping on the greens. Players shall also ensure that caddies do not damage any part of the course.
- Caddie carts and trolleys are strictly prohibited on teeing ground and on the greens.
- All players shall ensure that they or their caddies replace divots at all times.
- Golf balls should be removed from the hole on the green by hand and not with the putter.
- Members signing in guests are responsible for the conduct of their gursts. Members shall be held liable for damage to greens, tee markers, yardage markers, and etc. caused by their guests.
Practice Range – Rules
- Young children under 12 will be permitted to use the driving range before 4.30pm
- Members are not allowed to bring children aged 12 years and under to the practice range area unless accompanied by the resident golf pro or and adult.
- Members bringing guests to the practice range are responsible for the registration of their guests practice range fees, purchase of golf balls and conduct.
- Practice range balls may be signed for up to a maximum of 100 balls at a time.
- Members are required to sign for the balls immediately upon the balls being issued.
- Practice range balls are not allowed to be taken outside the practice range area.
- Registration of play – All golfers must see the started before commencement of play and give the starter their names and membership numbers.
- Issue and return of score cards – Score cards will be issued to each golfer / flight together with instruction on their use. All score cards issued must be properly completed and signed by every golfer concerned and returned to the handicap boxes without delay upon completion of the round. All golfer are strictly reminded not to lose or throw away any such score cards regardless of the number of holes played for any reason, regardless of cancellation of play due to bad weather.
- Golf equipment – Golfers may deposit their golf equipment with the caddy master, but each golfer will be personally responsible for their own equipment and no liability can be accepted by the club or caddy master. All equipment must be removed before 7.30pm.
- Personal effects & valuables – All golfers are advised that they are prohibited from keeping any personal effects and valuables in their golf bags when depositing with the caddy master or when being attended by a caddy at any time in order to avoid any possible misunderstanding arising from any loss.
- Competitions – The above rules will also apply during any club, private or major golf tournament unless specifically super-ceded by any rule of a particular competition
Speed of play
- So that everyone can obtain maximum pleasure from their game of golf, members are asked to maintain a reasonable speed of play. Slow play caused by gambling will not be accepted as an excuse.
- Only golfers are permitted on the golf course except by special permission of the manager.
- Members are not permitted to fish in any of the lakes or ponds in any of the grounds.