Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort

In addition to the rules of the game of golf currently adopted by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew (RAGC) and the United States Golf Association (USGA), all golfing Licensee are subject to the following Terms and Conditions as stated herein. The first 9-holes shall be opened for play and the GOLF BY-LAWS shall govern all rules and regulations pertaining to the use of the facilities. The Club here refers to BUKIT JALIL GOLF & COUNTRY RESORT.
- The Management shall make available an official identification either by way of membership card, an official golf tag or other mode of identification. All Licensee are required to display and produce such identification when requested by an employee of the Club or any other person authorized by the Club.
- Guests of Licensee and nonmembers shall display clearly an appropriate guest tag issued by the Club.
- Golf bag tags wherever available should be displayed on the bag whenever on the Golf Course.
- Golfing Licensee without a valid club handicap or whose handicap is above 24 (men) and 36 (ladies) shall not be entitled to play on the golf course on Saturdays, Sunday mornings and public holidays. Players with Certificate of Proficiency would be allowed on the golf course on weekdays.
- Licensee without golf handicap are required to pass a golf proficiency test. Application for the golf proficiency test shall be made in writing to the Golf department. Licensee with only Certificate of Proficiency are encourage to play with member who has a valid golf handicap.
For the purpose of golf handicapping, licensee shall return at least ten 18-holes scorecards and have attended a seminar on golf etiquette conducted by the Golf department before they are eligible to apply for a Club Golf Handicap in accordance with the procedures of the USGA Handicapping System.
- Each licensee shall be permitted to make only one booking or each day of play. No member may book tee-off time on behalf of another licensee.
- All bookings are to be made at the Registration either in person or by telephone.
- Licensee are only allowed to make a booking of minimum 3 players on weekend and public holidays.
- During peak period, in order to maximise the number of starting times available, twosomes and singles will be denied starting time. However, the Management may group twosomes and singles with other group of less than foursome and assign starting times.
- Booking of official tee-off opened to all plays at least 5 days in advance. Any cancellation of booked time for weekends and public holidays must be made at least 24 hours before the time of play, failing which cancellation fee shall be imposed by the Management (RM 105.00 per flight). Such cancellation fee will have to be settled before the member is allowed to make his/her next booking.
- The Management may at any time and from time to time by notice reserve the whole or any part of the golf course for such purposes as the Management may in its discretion determine.
- BOOKING HOTLINE: Golf Registration counter - 03 - 8996 1468
- On arrival, licensee are advised to do as follows:
- Present membership cards at the golf registration counter and collect their flight chits which indicate the flight time and the designated tee box.
- Declare their golf handicaps and insurance.
- Be allocated buggies or caddies as applicable.
- Be present at the tee box early or at lest 10 minutes before tee-off time and present the flight chit to the starter.
- Golfers are required to settle their guests' green fees and buggy rental at the Registration counter before commencement of play.
- All licensee are reminded that failure to be at the tee box early and commence play at the designated time may cause the members to lose the assigned playing time a game. Unless vacant slots are available subsequently, these member may not be allocated a flight time.
A licensee may introduce up to maximum of three (3) guest on weekdays and two (2) guest on weekend and public holidays. Any larger group considered a planner golf function with prior approval by the Management.
- No play shall commence before 7.15am on weekends and public holidays and 7.30am on weekdays except as may be permitted by the Management.
- The Management may at any time close the golf course or any part of the golf course for any reason whatsoever.
- Buggies are not allowed on the fairway.
The golfer renting the buggy shall responsible and liable for any accident or damage occurring to the buggy. Maximum time allowed for buggy rental shall be 6 hours for 18 holes and 3 hours for 9 holes. Any buggy returned to the buggy station later than the stipulated time shall be charge an extra RM20.00 per hour per buggy. Each buggy shall be limited to 2 passenger only. Golfers are not allowed to ride on the rear of the buggy. Golfers are required to strictly adhere to this rule.
- It is imperative that every member observes the following golf etiquette and local rules while on the golf course. As a rule of thumb:
- Dress appropriately while on golf course and the practice green. Soft spike golf shoes must be worn. NO jeans, round neck T-shirt, jogging shorts. And excessively floral clothing will be allowed.
- A round of 9-holes for four-ball should not take more than 2 hours 30 minutes to complete.
- A player may take his time concentrating and lining up shots before hitting or flight fails to keep its place he course and lose more than one clear hole on the players in front.
- Be courteous and allow the flight following behind to pass in the event that your flight fails to keep its place on the course and lose more than one clear hole on the players in front.
- It is always advisable to play a provisional ball if you are unsure of finding the first ball. The intention is to avoid unnecessary delay and any unpleasantness.
- A player is expected to replace and repair divots, pitch marks an drake sand bunker so as to enhance the quality of the course.
- A single player and/or twosome flight has no standing and should give way and allow match of three-ball or four ball flight following to pass.
- All licensee and their guests are advised to have a valid golf insurance cover to insure themselves and also to obtain a public liability insurance to provide enough coverage in case of accident before proceeding to play.
- For the purpose of golfing handicapping, all members are requested to submit their scorecards after each round of play, be it 9-holes or 18-holes game. Licensee and guest are to ensure that due care is exercised in the usage of all Club equipment and property as any damage caused or arising out of negligence shall be made good by the licensee, whether such damage is caused by the licensee or his/her guest.
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