Hard Hats: All riders must wear the correct headgear for safety.
Footwear: All riders must wear riding boots or such other shoes as may be approved by the instructors.
Clothing; Slim fitting jeans are acceptable but Jodhpurs (for use with Jodhpur boots) or Breeches (for use with long boots) will add to the comfort and safety. Loose fitting trousers will lead to sore legs and poor grip. Loose fitting "tops" or shirt should be tucked inside the waistband of Jodhpurs.
Accessories: Valuables should not be carried or worn. For safety no large belt buckles, chains or any item with sharp edges should be worn.
Resort: A Membership card must be produced before riding lessons may be booked.
Blood Chit: A form of waiver/indemnity must be signed by all persons wishing to ride at the Riding School and if a minor, such form of waiver/indemnity must be signed by a parent/guardian on behalf of the minor.
Lesson: Lessons may only be given by the officially appointed Riding School Instructors or their substitutes when the instructors are on holiday or absent due to illness. Lessons should be booked in advance and should be made on a regular day and time each week.
Riding fees: Due end of month on receiving bill, to be paid to Accounts.
Cancellation: Notice for cancellation of a lesson must be given to the Equestrian Office in writing or by telephone 24 hours in advance. Full charge will be made for failure to do so.
Late arrivals: Riders are required to report for riding 15 minutes before their appointed lesson. If not present at the stated time they will be presumed not coming and the horse/pony may be allocated to another rider. Riders will still be charged for the lesson. No charge will be levied if the lesson is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Allocation: The instructor will allocate the rider with a horse for each lesson and there must be no "swapping" unless permission is granted by the instructor.
Spectators: Must not distract any horse or rider during a lesson. In the event of a fall the instructor will be in sole charge and decide on any action to be taken in the circumstances.
Hiring: A School horse or pony may occasionally be hired out to a capable rider for one month at a time and may be hired if preferred for morning or afternoon only. The rider must be experienced and approved by the instructor.
Safety: Check saddlery and girth before mounting. Mount and dismount in enclosed arena. After dismounting run the stirrup irons up the leathers and do not let go of your reins until the syce takes your horse.
Warming Up : No horse or pony should be ridden above a walk for at least the first 5 minutes and must be allowed to walk for at least the last 5 minutes to cool off.
Outrides : When riding with a group under supervision no rider may leave the group and must remain in order behind the instructor. Failure to do this will mean the rider is losing control over his horse and shall not be allowed to ride out until he has gained more experience riding in class lessons or private lessons.
Riding Lessons: Members are only permitted to obtain lessons in riding through the Riding School, Members are not permitted to conduct such lessons at any other part of the Resort premises.
Riding Days: Riders can ride on any day of the week except on Mondays, which shall be rest day for horses and staff of the Riding School.
Riding Fees: Fees shall be at such rate as shall be determined from time to time by the Management at its absolute discretion.